Docendi Sunt Christiani
“Christians are to be taught.” Wittenberg Academy is a completely online Lutheran school dedicated to forming scholars for life in this world and the next. We are unabashedly Lutheran in our delivery of quality, classical education: scholars receive instruction from teachers who believe, teach, and confess the Holy Scriptures and the Lutheran Confessions.
The Wittenberg Hour Podcast Recent Episodes
For if we wish to have proper and excellent persons both for civil and ecclesiastical government, we must spare no diligence, time, or cost in teaching and educating our children, that they may serve God and the world… -Martin Luther

The Liberal Arts give us ears to hear God’s Word and eyes to rightly see ourselves and the world that we might serve our neighbor.
Wittenberg Academy is a fully accredited institution that serves families or schools on a part time or full time basis. Our faculty teach courses for sixth through twelfth grade and our grammar school curriculum serves families or schools with scholars in kindergarten through fifth grade.

CCLE Accreditation
As a CCLE accredited school, we have demonstrated the Marks of a Classical Lutheran School, according to the Consortium for Classical Lutheran Education.

NLSA Accreditation
As a NLSA accredited school, we reflect the national standards for a Lutheran School, which are set by the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.

Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs) are 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations that are independent of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, but they operate ministry programs that foster the mission and ministry of the church.

Luther Classical College
Wittenberg Academy is a classical Lutheran partner school of Luther Classical College, assisting in the preparation of future teachers.