"How would you characterize Wittenberg Academy? Is it college prep? Pastor prep? Something else?"
Wittenberg Academy is preparing thinking Christians for any vocation to which they are called, no matter what those vocations might be.
"Can you graduate from Wittenberg Academy?"
Yes! Diploma track scholars must meet the graduation requirements outlined in the Scholar Handbook. The Head Teacher works with families to ensure scholars seeking a diploma are prepared to do so.
"Can scholars transfer to Wittenberg Academy?"
Yes! Scholars can join Wittenberg Academy at any time 6th-12th grade on a full-time or part-time basis. Scholars transferring for full-time participation may pursue a diploma. The Head Teacher works with each family to ensure each scholar has an academic plan and placement appropriate for the scholar.
"What distinguishes a part-time scholar from a full-time scholar?"
Full-time scholars take 6 or more credits per year. Part-time scholars take 5 or less credits per year. Most diploma-seeking scholars take 7-9 credits per year. Part-time scholars taking a full course load at home or elsewhere are encouraged to take not more than 2 credits per term.
"How much does Wittenberg Academy cost?"
Classes are $500 per credit. Scholars can take a maximum of 3 credits per term. The Scholar Handbook (under the Scholar Resources tab above) contains the most updated information on any Tuition Discounts we are able to offer each year.
"How is your academic year divided?"
We have four terms, but the majority of our scholars take their classes during Michaelmas, Christmas, and Easter terms. Trinity term is offered over the summer.
"How did your terms get those names?"
Our Michaelmas term begins in the autumn time and is named after the arch-angel Saint Michael (Daniel 10 & 12, Revelation 12, Jude 1), whose name means “who is like God.” The holy angels see God’s face (Matthew 18:10), they heed God’s voice (Psalm 103:20-21), indeed they know it well so that in godly wisdom they excel. Just as we begin each day asking that God’s holy angel be with us, we begin our teaching and learning asking God’s protection and guidance, as we receive godly wisdom and also seek it out.
Our Christmas term begins in the early winter and crosses over into the first two months of the new calendar year. The Gospel-writer Saint Luke, after having penned the wonderful happenings leading up to and surrounding Christ’s birth in Bethlehem, summed it all up by saying of the young Jesus that “He grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).” We who have received God’s indescribable gift in His Son (2 Corinthians 9:15) likewise grow in all that is good, since every good thing comes from God (James 1:17).
Our Easter term commences in the very early days of the spring of the year and usually spans the joyful season of our Lord’s resurrection. Because of the risen Christ and what He has done for us dying sinners we know that neither our faith in God (1 Corinthians 15:17) nor our labors in the Lord as learners or teachers (1 Corinthians 15:58) are in vain or useless. Since Christ has indeed been raised from the dead let us keep the feast of victory, and even the banquet of this world’s knowledge, in sincerity and truth (1 Corinthians 5:8).
Our Trinity term runs through the summer months and takes its name from the Sunday and the season following Pentecost. The angel host praise the true God in the Trisagion (Isaiah 6:3b), and we who dwell on earth acknowledge even our home in this fallen world is full of His glory due to the divine Word. This Word teaches us the ways of God and His gracious and holy will both toward and for His creatures. Faith in God’s Word and life in His world results in right confession and praise, as we sing in the antiphon for Trinity Sunday—“blessed be the Holy Trinity and the undivided Unity; let us give glory to Him because He has shown His mercy to us (liturgical text).”
"Do you ever meet live?"
Teachers and scholars receive, at a minimum, one hour of live time each week. During that time, scholars and teacher have discussions, give speeches, work on cognitive challenges, assess work, and the like. If scholars or teachers request additional live time, that is certainly arranged.
"There seem to be asynchronous and synchronous elements to the classes. How does that look day to day for families?"
Asynchronous is “not live.” There are some online schools that do their primary teaching in a pre-scheduled live class, essentially replicating a classroom, but the scholars are sitting at home. Wittenberg Academy utilizes “not live” methods for the primary teaching. The lectures are pre-recorded, the majority of discussions occur via discussion forums within the online classrooms, the assignments are submitted in the online classrooms, etc. All of those things can be watched, read, completed, and submitted throughout the day. Teachers may put stipulations on readings or assignments that they are due Tuesday at 11:55 p.m., for example, but the scholars can complete the work at any time prior to Tuesday at 11:55 p.m. Lectures can be watched any time during the day or night as is convenient for a family’s schedule.
The only official time the scholars gather together synchronously, or live, for class is one hour per week. That session is scheduled once classes begin so as to accommodate as many schedules as possible. We have scholars all over the world, so that can be an exciting challenge. If scholars are absolutely unable to participate in the live session each week, we do record those sessions. It is extremely beneficial if scholars are able to attend those sessions as teachers use them for labs, student speeches, art critiques, and other activities that are more challenging, though not impossible, to accomplish in a “not live” environment.
We think that this confluence of synchronous delivery of teaching and learning one hour each week and asynchronous delivery for all other teaching and learning throughout the week provides families great amounts of flexibility, but still gives scholars the benefits both delivery methods offer.
Check out this video from Wittenberg Academy to gain more insight into how Wittenberg Academy operates.
"Why synchronous and asynchronous?"
Research has shown that asynchronous and synchronous delivery afford different benefits for scholars. Synchronous delivery’s strengths are discussing less complex issues, getting acquainted, and planning tasks. Conversely, asynchronous delivery’s strengths are reflecting on complex issues and flexibility. In keeping with the mission of Wittenberg Academy (providing high quality classical Lutheran education), we chose asynchronous delivery so as to afford all scholars the opportunity to deeply process complex issues as they learn how to live in the faith of their baptism as they love and serve their neighbor.
"Where can I see live chat times?"
Class live chat times can be found under the Academics tab above. Click on Junior High and High School Courses and you will find live chat times under each specific course.